Monday, April 14, 2008

Rocky Politics: The Coal Question

clipped from

Which weighs more this election year—the economy, or the environment?

This was supposed to be the year the environment and climate change reached a political tipping point
For the Democrats, the issue is especially prickly. As the WSJ reports today (sub reqd.), coal has become part of the political battlefield as the primaries wind down:
The race for the Democratic nomination hinges on a handful of states where coal is still king. That puts Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in a bind: how to attack global warming without threatening an industry that provides half the U.S.’s electricity and more than 80,000 mining jobs.
Sen. Barack Obama called the U.S. “the Saudi Arabia of coal.”
We’ve written before
And both candidates have been taken to task for double-talk on coal, such as Sen. Clinton’s apparent support for mountain-top removal coal mining
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