Monday, April 14, 2008

Artillery Shrapnel Hits House, Kills Cat

clipped from
A New Jersey family had some scary moments after their house was hit by a fiery missile.
A fragment of a two-pound artillery shell plummeted through the roof of their Jefferson Township home around 2:30 p.m. Friday, landing on their little girl's bed -- ultimately killing the family's cat.
CBS Station WCBS correspondent Lou Young reports the shell was fired off from the Picatinny Arsenal, the U.S. Army's sprawling weapons research facility in Picatinny, 2.5 to 3 miles away.
"They heard the explosion, they felt the concussion and a few seconds later the piece came through the roof," homeowner Fred Angle said.
The piece of shrapnel landed where the girl normally sleeps.
Brandon Gadow, Cassandra's brother, tried to grab the shrapnel, but it was too hot. He pulled the blanket and the cat outside and called the police.
Ironically, the Army says the accident occurred while it was testing safer way to dispose of unwanted artillery shells.
The family's cat was injured and had to be euthanized
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