Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Send Bonds Home Run Ball into Space? Vote

You can vote at Vote756.com. Options include: give the ball to the Hall of Fame, send the ball into space, or brand the ball with an asterisk.

Your vote?
clipped from www.bloomberg.com

Sept. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Fashion designer Marc Ecko said he is the buyer of Barry Bonds's record-breaking 756th home run ball, and left its future to a public vote that considers possible steroid use by the Major League Baseball player.

``I bought this baseball to democratize the debate over what to do with it,'' Ecko, who paid $752,467.20 for the ball on Sept. 15 in an Internet auction, said on vote756.com, the Web site he set up to determine the ball's future.

The Web site offers three voting options for the ball: to bestow it, giving the ball to the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York; to brand it, burning an asterisk into the ball before sending it to Cooperstown; or to banish it, putting the ball on a rocket and launching it into orbit.

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